⁜ +ARANA+ - Atheia Shape - Lelutka EvoX AVALON
Worn with LeLUTKA Avalon Mesh Head this shape comes for the following mesh bodies:
Belleza Gen X, Legacy, ReBorn (2), Inithium Khara, Legacy, Legacy Perky, Maitreya
Skin suitable for all LeLUTKA EvoX Mesh Heads
⁜ LOTUS. - Narubi Eyes, exclusive @ Skin Fair
8 March - 24 March
Eyes for LeLUTKA, Mesh Eyes and BOM
Can be applied right and left independently
⁜ Zibska - Rosaire Set @ We <3 Role-play
4 March - 28 March
Rosaire includes headpiece, headpiece orbit and collar in upper & lower sections with 26 colours via HUD for headpiece and collar main and accent
⁜ LittleFish - Ruby
Available for all female LeLUTKA Mesh Heads
Can hide parts of piercing and have the piercing on either the right and the left brows
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